FFA Week: Allentown FFA At Tractor Supply

February 22, 2020

UPPER FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP, NJ (MONMOUTH)–The Allentown FFA Chapter was at the Allentown-Upper Freehold Tractor Supply today showing scrap books and other items from the FFA Chapter. Several current FFA members as well as Allentown FFA Alumni were on hand. Tractor Supply is collecting donations for the FFA Paper Emblem Program during FFA Week.

Tomorrow the Allentown FFA Chapter will have a wreath laying ceremony at grave site of Leslie Applegate from New Jersey who was elected first National FFA president in 1929. Looking though chapter records this has been a tradition since at least 1975 during FFA Week.

You may want to donate to the TSC FFA Paper Emblem Program if you happen to visit Tractor Supply this FFA Week.